Originally Posted by: Fotz 
On DVD 2, why are Thieves Like Us, Temptation and Confusion placed as bonus tracks at the end of the Leuven video rather than their original place in the set that night?
For example, TLU was 4th song at that gig.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the original broadcast.
As i understand it, the original 'Rox Box' broadcast on 31/12/85 didn't include Temptation. Then, a few days/weeks later in January '86,'Rox Box' broadcast both Temptation and Thieves Like Us. I guess, this was to show footage that they'd had to cut out of the original New Year's Eve footage for (presumably) time constraints. However, I think the original broadcast had TLU included, so maybe they had a few minutes to use up, so showed TLU alongside that 'missing' track (Temptation).
So, maybe these two tracks were together on a different tape etc. JJ might be able to clarify.
I guess Confusion is a bonus as it hasn't been shown at all and maybe they wanted to show that this version of the Leuven gig is different from other showings.
Incidentally, I've never been 100% sure that both TLU and Temptation were shown on the later programme.
I have a trade list from back in the day that states both tracks were broadcast on that later show.
I definitely know Temptation was as I have a copy of that track which ends in a clip of a woman dressed as a chicken (!). I guess she was a presenter; possibly the clip was shown in a tea-time' (i.e. kids) slot. The main Leuven broadcast (on NYE) ends in an advert with a family running to catch a plane/train, so Temptation was certainly shown on a different programme to the main broadcast.
Whilst we're asking JJ questions, could he perhaps answer the following:
1) What the 'TV Pitch' means in respect of Love Vigilantes;
2) Based on the store description which lists 'a BBC session and three tracks performed at the Hacienda in 1985.', does that mean that the25/08/84 session is on it and just not listed? Or was it pulled and the contents rejigged?
I know I mentioned these before, but this thread has moved on quite a bit since then (nice to see a flurry of activity on the boards!)