Originally Posted by: Andy 
Been very impressed with the new album by Alllie X...
Ah welcome to the "Listening" thread Andy. Even when there's nothing new happening in NO-land, there's always something new happening in music-land. A small number of us have kinda sorta kept this thread going, but I'm always interested to know what else NO fans listen to besides NO - if anything. So don't be put off even if you don't get a huge reaction.
Originally Posted by: Andy 
This ones [Black Eye] a bit "You Spin Me Round" meets "Blue Monday", but the songwriting is good so I can get past that.
Straight into the 80s vibes with some Fairlight "orch" stabs at the start, and then yeah, it's definitely a bit Blue Monday/NO, especially that drum machine, but also the synth bass. Then there's the Hook-lite twangy guitar around 2 mins onwards, also from around 3:40 (and esp 3:55 onwards) some high pitched Barney-like guitar. And that big ending around 4:09 feels quite NO-ish as well. She seems to have a decent voice, though I wonder if the actual song may be a bit "Eurovision"...
Originally Posted by: Andy 
This is the one that really hooked me [Off With Her Tits]. I had to google the lyrics because they're so rapid-fire. The narrative is basically this: A young woman is concerned her developing body will affect how people treat her. She goes to have a breast reduction, but even the female surgeon admits to admiring her rack.
So she kinda looks like a less pretty Karen O. And where Karen sang "Off With Your Head", Allie choses another part of the body. I wonder if this were sung by a man if there would be accusations of misogyny...
Anyway, my accusation is one of Yazoo-borrowing (or Yazz as they were known in the US). The cadence of the lyrics sounds directly lifted from Don't Go, and both songs even mention a doctor.
listen to the cadence of:
Then I called the doctor
Said Miss what can you do?
She told me she'd cut them off
I said sign me up for June
And then the cadence of:
Hey go get the doctor,
doctor came too late
Another night I feel alright
my love for you can't wait
I wonder if her lyrical use of "take the piss" is also a sort "British" reference. AFAIK, it's an expression that isn't used so much in North America, although I could be wrong.
There's something about the closing synth aprpeggio circa 3.04 that feels familiar too, although I can't quite place it.
Originally Posted by: Andy 
It's not all upbeat. This is the one [Saddest Smile] currently stuck in my head:
Instrument choices aside, I can't actually name any 80s tracks that this sounds like. The song kinda reminds me of early Goldfrapp, I think.
Originally Posted by: Andy 
This one [You Slept On Me] and "Off With Her Tits" suggest she was also influenced by Moroder-era Sparks. The lyrics are pretty offbeat but well crafted.
0:11 The drum beat immediately made me think of A-ha's Take On Me. Then the groove/riff (both the synth and drum pattern) from about 0:43 onwards (and esp 0:56 onwards) feels like a direct lift from that Flashdance song, Maniac, but pitched up a notch (not actually a direct sample though). Listen below from about 0:12. And finally that closing synth bass sound (4:04 to 4:09) sounds like something that's on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite name.
I think if you're young enough not to remember the tracks that influence her, she might sound kinda retro-fresh. But I'm not sure that her song writing is going to convert me right now. A fun excercise in "what does that sound like?" though!