Originally Posted by: Fotz 
...Oh and Never Let Me Down Again featured in an episode of Last Of Us recently. It did sound really good, i must say. Think also a cover version featured in another episode.
I've just got into this show now. Yes Never Let Me Down worked well at the end of p1. Haven't heard that song for ages, so it sounded kinda fresh.
I usually prefer watching films rather than making a commitment to series like these. I'm about half way through series 1. Somebody tell me if it's worth continuing to the end. No spoilers though please!
Originally Posted by: perspexorange 
Originally Posted by: negative1 
heard a bit of a really bad cover of true faith
at the end of the episode of 'the last of us'.
Haven't watched the latest episode yet, but will watch tonight.
I wonder if it's the same version as was featured in the trailer for the second game a couple of years back:
Weirdly, the track didn't feature in the actual game and the guitar bit featured in the game was a different 80s song (a-Ha - Take On Me, I think).
Even stranger, although the band was credited for the song, some other female artist got really annoyed with the game developer, as she felt the version they had used had copied her 'version' of the song. I think she wanted some sort of credit.
Very odd that an artist who didn't write a song could feel that she deserved some sort of praise for strumming an acoustic guitar and singing along to someone else's tune.
Perhaps buskers should get credit too...
Originally Posted by: perspexorange 
Well, it looks like there's a potential copyright issue.
But, surprisingly, this relates to another artist who covered the song a decade ago and not New Order.
This artist is stating the arrangement that they use in the game copies her own arrangement, which used new bits that she put into her version.
https://www.ign.com/arti...w-order-true-faith-coverThis seems very murky (as pointed out in the article). I'm not sure how you can (potentially) claim copyright on a song that isn't yours to begin with.
You'd think that, doing an acoustic version of a 'synth & electric guitars' song is always going to bring about variations in the style of the song.
So at the end of Episode 4 which I watched tonight, we did indeed get acoustic True Faith. I shazamed it, and got a result of:
True Faith by Lotte Kestner (2011)
And then I shazamed the game trailer above which gives me a result of:
True Faith by Ashley Johnson (2020)
So whatever gripes Lotte Kestner may have had about her version being copied for the game trailer have perhaps been assuaged by having her 'orignal' acoustic cover used in the TV series.
On the one hand, I agree that she wasn't in a position to complain about one acoustic cover version copying another acoustic cover version. But on the other hand, I imagine Lotte Kestner may have lost out on some performance royalty money when the game people decided to use an imitation of her cover. I'm guessing they commissioned Ashley Johnson's cover-of-a-cover in order to save money. Otherwise why not use Kestner's 'original'?
Personally I prefer Denise Johnson's (RIP) acoustic cover, but I guess Denise went for a less 'intimate' approach to the song.
Tainted Love by Soft Cell was originally a Northern Soul (i.e failed hit) song by Gloria Jones from 1964. Marilyn Manson did a cover version in 2001 which clearly drew inspiration from Soft Cell's version. I guess Soft Cell's version remains the most successful, so maybe they have less reason to care, but I don't recall there being any legal issues around Manson kinda copying their version. Maybe it feels different if you're an obscure artist though, and you see your chance for exposure undermined with a cost-cutting facsimile of your efforts...
PS As a NO fan I would probably be annoyed if someone came along and had a "bigger" or "better" hit with TF or any of NO's songs. Or JD's. So far, that hasn't happened. Unless you count Operation Blade which was a rip off of Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction). I kinda resent Operaton Blade, even though the bits that it borrowed weren't performed by NO in the first place!