Originally Posted by: Fotzepolitic 
Sounded like Love Will Tear Us Apart played in the Etihad stadium after the final whistle of Man City 6 Chelsea 0 today. Was watching in the pub. Hard to say for sure and maybe I imagined it.
Oh it was absolutely blasting out (mind you I was watching via USA's NBC which may have had the stadium volume higher in their mix than Sky).
Originally Posted by: perspexorange 
Edit - Just checked Twitter etc. It seems that they were probably playing it so the fans could sing along with words they've sung before (either in this match or previously) - 'City, tearing Cockney's apart, again'.
That sounds like it might be a banner rather than song lyrics.
Originally Posted by: tapebias 
Not sure Sumner knows much about football and Hook would probably fall into the post 1992 Utd fan bracket although haven't seen him in VIP with Simply Mick. Gretton was a hardcore City fan, as was Curtis according to his daughter.
I think at Brixton Academy 2001, where I was at the second night, Bernard mentioned Man Utd having won a game the previous night in the Champions League and saying "it was a bit tense" (it was!). I wonder if they waited for the game to finish before taking the stage? As for Hooky, I remember an interview where he said he had a season ticket at Old Trafford (not VIP) at one point but he got a bit bored going to every game. Probably was post '92, alright.
Originally Posted by: perspexorange 
Yep, they still sing it. Heard it a few matches ago.
Agreed that the two of 'em aren't exactly ardent fans. Hook, especially.
After the Glazers took over, an act called Hanky Park put out
We'll Never Die which they got Hook to produce and play on. I've got the CD single somewhere in my collection. Track 2 on the CD, "Christian Word" is Terry Christian talking some hype about Utd. I think that's the track that had a big blast of Hooky bass at the beginning. Certainly one of the tracks has some Hooky bass louder in the mix than the main video version that's embedded in Discogs. I suppose due to it's anti-glazer roots it doesn't get played over the PA at OT.
As for LWTUA at City, it was being sung during the game yesterday (as well as at the end). I got the impression they were singing "Kun will tear you apart" - as in Sergio 'Kun' Aguero, who of course matched Shearer's hat trick record and I think set a City goal record too. Perhaps any City fans reading this know more about (a) the records, (b) the song and (c) his nickname 'Kun' which came from his time at Atletico (?). Personally I like adding a T to the end of Kun, although I really wanted City to win yesterday (
someone needs to challenge L****pool FFS!).