Originally Posted by: djrigby1969 
According to an in-depth article in the new Uncut magazine, a box set is due for release
Thanks for this.
Originally Posted by: djrigby1969 
So not one box set as we thought but possibly the start of a series.
Did we think that? For the last year or so, the forum has been kinda expecting a series, and even saying: where are they?
Here: (reply #23): "33 - 36 mins: Warners collector series is happening, with albums being released as box sets like the Led Zep II reissue. Hook says it was his idea and Warners said yes. Says a photographer has taken pics of the gear used to make each album."
Also mentioned ... in a bunch of other threads that I can't link to because the forum has gone laggy.
Quote:"the handful of tracks new order recorded in sheffield, long available as scratchy bootlegs, receive their first official release on the Movement boxset. Completed in a single night, with all three band members alternating lead vocals, the session yielded rough versions of “Ceremony”,“dreams never end” and “truth”. the band also laid down a rowdy glam-punk number called “homage”, which they never revisited, and a spoofy funk-rap jam featuring Mal and rob Gretton on vocals, later titled “Are You ready Are You ready Are You ready for this?”"
So Western Works will be on there. Funny of them to describe what's already 'out there' as scratchy (salesmsanship, eh?). The digital download I have isn't particularly scratchy, although of course they sound like demos, and probably still will when they end up in the box set. Of course it makes sense to include them, but will they sound noticably better? Nah.
Originally Posted by: Johnny James 
Don't worry, the release date is going to be shifted into April now, 29th March wasn't such a good idea.
Ha funny! If it's a No-Deal Brexit there could be anarchy in the uk by the time we get to PC&L...
How much are these gonna cost Mr James? I'm guessing something north of £50?
Originally Posted by: Michael Monkhouse 
The wondrous world of New Order rererererererrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleases:
1. A vague, subliminal, non-committal blip Googletranslated from an Andora fanpage.
2. Everyone on this forum gets an instant boner and with its free hand bashes out mutually exclusive tracklists that are so HOT they make a jacuzzi with Cameron Diaz and Mel C look like a wet dip in Skegness with David Cameron and Merkel.
3. I say Fuck you, there'll be fuck all for years and even then it'll be more fuck all or like anal sex, i.e. fucking shit.
4. They respond, No, fuck YOU you fucking negative cynicfulness fucking WANKER, I mean HELLO? Does yer even fucking LIKES at New Order, stop fucking moaning groaning griping whining whinging, WE LIKE OUR BONERS, so kindly point yours away from our joint bonfire.
5. There's fuck all for years and even then it's more fuck all or like anal sex, i.e. fucking shit
6. Repeat until death or sex.
Oh NOW we get the rant. Why didn't we get this the other day when I posted Phil's tweet saying: "no new music, more gigs"? You were all sanguine saying: Maybe they won't improve on Music Complete etc.
Originally Posted by: Fotzepolitic 
Now now,Michael
Though i guess you could have a point... they could dine out on these box sets for the rest of their lives and never record anything new. Just hypothesising.
They could, then again Underworld have been reissuing their albums as box sets but also making new music. Just to offer another perspective. False hope can be a killer, mind you!
Originally Posted by: djrigby1969 
Ah yes. Mr Monkhouse. One of the reasons I don't frequent this forum or contribute much. Can't be doing with all that shite.
Harsh. Mr Monkhouse is an aspiring comedian (not exactly Jerry Seinfeld, or even
Bob Monkhouse), and ranty 'comedy' is his schtick. Rhod Gilbert makes a good living out of it. Mind you the Spice Girls stuff could do with a rest.
Originally Posted by: djrigby1969 
I'd screenshot some of it but can't upload from phone on here.
FYI for the future (and anyone else reading): If you sign up to a free image hosting website like Tinypic or Photobucket, you can upload pics to there, and then use the "insert image" option here on the forum to embed them from Tinypic/photobucket.
Originally Posted by: Fotzepolitic 
I've grabbed the Kindle edition.Amazon are doing a one month free trial for Uncut magazine Kindle subscription.I don't have a a Kindle device but was able to download the app to my iPhone.Downloaded the new edition of Uncut with New Order on cover.8 page article.Looks good, going to read it now.

Oh they've added Hooky. That mockup makes me yearn for the good ole days. Ahh...
I wonder if I can put this on my new android Hauwei Chinese spy phone, or my 4 y/o samsung tablet, or my amazon firestick?...