Originally Posted by: LostSiren 
Album is out tomorrow (July 27) anyone hear it? curious about the verdict....
Yes. Early thoughts track-by-track
Celebrate: Doesn't quite live up to the first few seconds of intro, but "jaunty" remains my opinion. Looks like they tried to tap in to world cup fever judging by the football themed video they released recently.
Taking Over: Lyrics seem political "their lips are moving fast & theyre spinning lies". There's some synth bass here, also "americana" style guitars. Pleasant driving music with a message. Won't change your life.
Reverse The Curse: Early favourite for me: 80's NO handclaps, a funky repeated 3 note bassy synth/piano sound, some chords that almost sound like TBTHOG. And a groove that sounds borrowed from "Get Innocuous" by LCD. Oh and lovely prominent backing vox from Denise Johnson. Just as it ends I expect it to come back in, but it doesn't. It's not hugely original but I like a good groove. The only track I wish was longer (it's about 4min 30).
Marigold: Duddell strings, lyrics that go: "Take me to the days of old, take me back to your marigolds". Someone misses their mum? Would-be emotional pop/rock. I think there's a song in here somewhere, maybe it will emerge after repeated listening.
Sooner or later: "You've been a user and you've been used" - there's a hint of sneer about this, but there should be more. There's an 80's pop-rock vibe here, I can imagine a band with mild mullets and jackets with their sleeves rolled up performing this on a sub- Top of the Pops show. Forgettable.
Present tense: Co-written and co lead vocalled by Denise Johnson (the only lead vocal she gets, alas). There's some jaunty piano on here along with pleasant guitars. "If I turn off my heart after you I'll be free" - a break up song I guess. I love Denise's voice but I'm not sure song writing is her forte. At 5.09 in length it's too long for me. Another 80's flavoured pop-rock song that won't change the world.
Even So: A slow dramatic one. A similar vibe to Spiritualized's slowies. But not quite as good. Nice Dudell strings though, nice atmospheric production. This one is all about the verses and the vibe. Nice squally guitar at the end. I feel like this could have been great. It so nearly is.
Truth: A T-Rex tribute surely? The guitars are pretty much "Get It On", the chorus "What do you with truth?" sounds borrowed from Prince's Paisley Park (the song). Some synth bass underpinning the whole thing, Denise's backing vocals are right up there. Growing on me
Vowel Movement. Funky rock underpinned by "mighty real" (Sylvester) synths. This one feels like an INXS tribute, but I like INXS in small doses. The lyrics "come on, come on come on, it won't be long now" aren't exactly deep. You can dance and strut to this one though., and it's catchy. Release this as a single guys!
The Valley: Reverend & The Makers meets current (non-oasis) Noel Gallagher. Big drums, indie-rock vocals, pizzicato strings. It feels like there's a lot going on in the production. Can't really hear the lyrics though. It's...ok.
The whole album makes me think of other things, often from the 80's. None of it is bad, most of it is ok. Three or four songs are definitely good.
I won't be buying the limited edition vinyl with scratch off foil, but it'll get another listen or two from me.