As you might be aware, this Granada TV Saturday morning TV show had the very first showing of the LWTUA video.
The video was introduced by the (disgraced) DJ, Ray Teret with the lines 'Joy Division isn't a female vocalist, it's a band'.
I have, in my archives, a copy of a TV broadcast of the video which, although missing the infamous intro, has a brief clip of a guy who looked like Teret at the end.
I've therefore long suspected that it was the 'first showing', just missing the intro (indeed, I believe it was labelled as 'Fun Factory' when it was kindly sent to me).
Having watched the recent Savile/Coogan BBC drama, I was reminded of Teret and thought I'd have to try and definitely see if the studio/person at the end was Fun Factory/Ray Teret.
I checked on Youtube and found this Jon Savage piece where he talks about Fun Factory.
Imagine my surprise when, at 10:12, he starts talking about the above clip, including showing the 'joke', as uttered by Teret.
This was new to me and, I expect, will be to others:, the clip that I have of the video ends with a shot of Teret wearing the same clothes as in the intro. So the clip I had is definitely from 'Fun Factory'.