I downloaded "The Messenger" as soon it came out in the US - I admit I ripped the audio from the YouTube video before it was available - brilliant Marr goodness, the like I hadn't heard since "Forbidden City."
My first reaction to the album was "it's okay." I thought I was more liking the idea of a JM solo album than the reality. But a few weeks went by - and I am totally obsessed with a number of tracks. "The Messenger," "Upstarts" (great song to run to), "The Crack Up," "Right Thing Right," "New Town Velocity," and "Lockdown" are the top tracks. I can't say I rate "Say Demesne" much at all... it's not terrible but a bit dirge-y and could be shorter.
What's clear is that Johnny has put together a cracking band, they sound great - this disc distances the Healers stuff nicely, and he sounds like a complete artist rather than, "hey, here's this amazing guitarist croaking through crap songs and shit lyrics." I actually like his voice, it suits the music well.
I've heard some critics say that this sounds like an album that Johnny might have done with The Smiths in the mid-90s. That's a good way to look at it. Honestly, I think this the first new album I've bought since the Modest Mouse one and I'm very happy with it. I thought getting two decent tracks on a long play would be worth it, but JM overdelivers, IMO. If this is what he sounds like as a soloist - looking forward to more from Wythenshawe's finest!
I'd love to hear some of the B-sides - they weren't on the US iTunes version, as far as I can tell.
Edited by user 18 July 2013 20:17:01(UTC)
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