Originally Posted by: Debaser 
incidentally I've heard that Mr Cummins can be a bit touchy (and block-y) on twitter. Perhaps it's true...
Originally Posted by: perspexorange 
Cummins always strikes me as really antagonistic every time I see him interact with anyone.
The above is a good example of this.
Sorry D. I missed your statement above, nestled between the two Twitter posts.
Yep - I've seen quite a few really prickly posts from him.
I've probably mentioned this before but I really wanted to pull him up on something a year or two ago. He was criticising one of those designer clothing companies flogging a pair of trainers (or some such) with the UP design on them at £250-£300 a pop.
He had a point, but it might've been held more weight if he hadn't been trying to sell, at that time, his 'strictly limited, signed, tracing paper, slipcase, different sleeve and a tacky badge' variant of the
reprint version of his 'Juvenes' book for
£495!. Half a grand for a book. Half a grand! And a reprint at that.
https://specialeditionbo...cts/joy-division-juvenesLooks like he found 100 punters.
It does make me laugh that whole 'limited edition' thing. The original print of the book, back in the day, was meant to be 'limited edition', so you could argue that he probably shouldn't have ever reprinted. Those people who shelled out for the original presumably bought them assuming that the 'Juvenes' presentation of his (much reprinted already) material was a 'one-off'.
What's stopping him releasing a further 'limited edition' in future? The whole point should be 'this is a once in lifetime' chance to buy this book. Not something that he re-releases every few years.
At least the trainers were functional...
<steps down from soapbox>