Originally Posted by: Fotz 
Yay! We're finally going to get Gillian's side of the story! Can't wait. Give that Hooky twat what for, G!
As we all know, she's a class act, so I'd be surprised if she really laid into him (even though I think she really should).
Here's hoping that there's a bit of fire shown from her, at least in a measured way.
And, most importantly, I want her to set the record straight.
I'm not going to kid myself and say she was the driving force behind most of their records, but I'm positive that she made very significant contributions to these tracks.
And that's just the songs. She also did a tonne more:
playing the gigs, sometimes with incredibly hostile (mostly) male audiences;
doing the interview rounds;
putting up with the bad behaviour of the other three and Rob;
and, in recent years, having to put with frankly horrible comments from Mr Hook about her contribution to the above.
Really looking forward to reading what she has to say.
Edited by user 28 June 2022 04:03:38(UTC)
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