I loved it. I didn't really notice the audio issues, though it's true none of Bernard's banter and comments between songs were audible which is a shame because he's normally very witty.
I was 1 person away from the front, to the right. Had a clear view of Bernard, Tom, and Gillian.
I agree with the above comment, Barney really performed well. His dancing also has improved since last time (in 2012).
I got a t-shirt but it's too small. We'll see if they'll be available online, you'll have to buy 1 size up.
They had some Japanese t-shirts, probably from the cancelled JP performances.
Loved seeing Cut Copy. They've been a favourite band of mine and they were pretty impressive.
I like how during their performance it was light and slightly windy and then when NO came on it was dark and still, helped segment the night.
During NO this one guy in the audience kept exclaiming "that's a mellotron!" when Barney was playing the melodica which I found pretty funny.
At the end the woman next to me caught Chapman's pick, I loved seeing the joy it brought her.
Gillian seemed a bit lifeless, Barney stole the show even letting someone in the audience sing part of a song at one moment. Really just full of life.
Hard to choose a favourite song. Subculture, Age Of Consent, Love Vigilantes, Fine Time...
It was nice to hear songs from Music Complete since it's release.
Really just a great collection of songs, even the Times Change intro I found pretty exciting since Republic isn't everyone's favourite.
Guilt Is a Useless Emotion is probably my favourite NO song from the 00's decade, I like that they played it.
Lots of people wearing Joy Division merchandise. Lots of old people with grey hair, but also plenty of people probably in their 40's and younger. (I'm 20-something)
I know it's an Australian thing to whinge, but you guys should be grateful because they were THIS close to cancelling the gig.
If it were 2 days later they'd have no choice but to cancel it.
The performance is nothing but a pure gift. Other bands don't even bother come to Melbourne.
By the way it looked like it was being filmed professionally with at least 1 camera for some of the songs.
Originally Posted by: Talbs 
M1, I must have been standing pretty close to you while Cut Copy was on, I only moved down towards the front for New Order.
I agree the mix for Cut Copy was pretty good.
New Order were definitely louder than Cut Copy where I moved to. I suspect my perspective of the sound was clouded by being closer to the speaker?
As for previous NO gigs (this was number 9) my all time favourite was 2001 at the Metro followed by Festival Hall in 1987 and the Vivid shows.
This one does rate somewhat down the list, but was somewhat elevated by current events.
NO were louder than Cut Copy to my ears as well.