Originally Posted by: The Japanese One 
Found this comment on setlist.fm, “Best performance I’ve seen from new order” — was it that good?
It was certainly very slick. And long.
Originally Posted by: kcspurs 
Got to the venue at 2030. We missed the Start. I was expecting them to come on after 9pm.
I tried to warn y'all on this very thread!
Further Debaser thoughts & musings:
That setlist went up really quickly. Maybe someone was doing it on their phone at the gig? Those tracks took over two hours to perform: 8.30pm to 10.45.
Having missed the MIF gigs, I was thrilled to get Subculture and Vanishing Point in the setlist. Not entirely surprised, but thrilled. My first ever experience of those ones live.
This may sound obvious, but it really is so much better at the gig than when you watch back on Youtube etc. I moan about Bernard's vocal stylings on here sometimes but was pretty happy with him last night. There may be no need for Youtube clips of last night though, as there were professional cameras at the gig. Both on tripod and shoulder mounted in the crowd. The question now is: where do we see the recorded results? I think the days of Live DVDs are fading away. Amazon or Apple Music exclusive perhaps?
Vanishing Point had a different ending to the MIF (or Technique) version. Either that or the acoustics were weird were I was!
Blue Monday sounded different (from 2015) to me too . Specifically the bit at
around 4.48 on the record - the little bassy synth 'solo'. Unless that was also the acoustics?
True Faith no longer has the "Perfecto" piano. When did they drop that?
Double Decker london busses with NEW ORDER on the front are the best busses!
Originally Posted by: kcspurs 
Behind these girls who kept talking during the first half of the concert.
It wasn't just behind you, it was almost impossible to get away from. I honestly think some people just go to these things because it's "an event", and one of their friends suggested it. Or they know two songs: TF and BM, and they're just waiting for those. The rest of the time they want to talk. They don't know the songs and they're not interested in listening. Alas, you can't instruct a sizable portion of the crowd to shut up (unless you're on stage wth a mic) so you have to suffer it. It was the one thing that pissed me off during Subculture and VP. I wanted to drink them in, not listen to to some Spanish people yammering away at a million miles an hour. Grr!!!
I miss the days when more people bought records and less people went to gigs. The tickets were cheaper and those who went were there because they were into the band, not because they have disposable income that they don't know what to do with.
Rant over.
Disorder totally got me in the mood for JD last night. I'm not sure the rest of the crowd agreed, but I was absolutely loving that track and it made me want some more guitary/human sounding tacks. However what we got from tracks 8 through to 18 was incredibly slick and synthy. A lot of those synths were, I presume pre-programmed. So the complete opposite to the very humanly-played Disorder. I mean obviously the songs were brilliant NO songs and a lot of good work has been done in the programming - hence the slick sound, but as Perspex Orange suggests, there's not much room for human fuck ups here.
Tom's Bass: is it sounding less Hook-like (in tone) on the old NO songs than when he first started, or is that just my imagination?
At least when we did get to TF,BM and Temptation, everyone seemed to join in. Even the 'casuals'. Imagine if it had been like that for the whole gig! [But some people actually left between BM and Temptation. Pastic Fans! - no not the song] Temptation even got the "oohs" going in a way I haven't heard for a long time now. Better than Brixton 2015, that's for sure.
And then we got the JD encore. Quite frankly I was happy to see the 'casuals' piss off. BYYEEE! It felt like just genuine music fans were there for the final three songs. And again I was totally in the mood for JD and it felt like a nice change from all that slickness.
Ian imagery: I have mixed feeling on this. On the one hand it sort of puts him on stage with the rest of the band. On the other hand, it perhaps turns him into a T-shirt icon. And I still think the "Joy Division forever" thing is just CORNY (to use a Bernard expression).
As for the venue, unless you live in North London it's a pain to get to, but a reward when you do. Lovely space, great views of the city, and it offers some room to dance (unless you were squashed down the front - which Bernard showed some concern for). I like the intimacy of Brixton Academy but 2015 was so packed you couldn't move.
Overall: good gig as long as you like things slick. Eyes peeled for the video.